Monday, February 3, 2014

I guess I'm moving to California...?

I've been thinking about making the big move to California since this job search began in September. And now, five months later, I am still very much unemployed. After getting home from window shopping at the mall today, I started looking at plane tickets to California. I was actually able to find a pretty decently priced ticket for the coming Sunday! And then it went downhill from there...

5:35 - Find decently priced tickets to California!
5:36 - Immediately begin stressing out.
5:50 - Decide to help out with the dishes to avoid thinking about real life
5:55 - Proceed to cut myself when a glass I'm rinsing breaks.
7:30 - Wedding dress shopping to distract myself from real life (and to help Engaged Friend find a wedding dress).
9:30 - Talk to friends on gchat, watch youtube videos of people singing... Anything to distract myself from real life.
12:10 AM- Mention moving to California to a friend.
12:20 - Consult another friend on the big move to Cali. Friend doesn't provide very positive response. Proceed to start crying.
1:00 - Watch more youtube videos to distract myself.
1:28 - Gchat yet another friend on the big move.
1:40 - Proceed to start sobbing because life is just way too fucking hard
1:55 - Start throwing things while sobbing.
2:04 - Decide to try on Engaged Friend's old bridesmaid dress to calm myself down.
2:11 - Call friend (who happens to be awake, which I know because she is playing lots of QuizUp) and cry over the phone.
2:28 - Microwave leftovers to eat while crying over phone because I need to stress eat.
2:30 - Hang up and play QuizUp with said friend.
2:50 - Finally begin to order plane tickets. 
2:55 - Find ice cream bar in the freezer to calm myself down while I order tickets.
3:01 - Finally finally actually order the tickets!

So... guess I'm moving to California! (And I will definitely have a crying-hangover tomorrow morning.)